ahh this bra...its driving me insane!! i stayed the night at my dads last night...and for some reason when i went to put on my bra this morning my boobs wouldnt fit....so i grabbed one of ariannes old bras bc its a size bigger than mine...and well the underwire is poking out and buggin the crap outa me!! lol
but anyways im dont ranting about my bra!
ive come to the conclusion that i hate living w/ guys for the following reasons:
- i cant pee with the door open
- i cant shower w/ the door open
- i cant walk around the house in my undies
- being naked outside of the bathroom...not happening
- i cant sing at the top of my lungs in the shower
- taking 2 hour bubble baths... uh no
- randomly going streaking through the house...big no
- i cant sleep naked...goodness forbid
- i cant go through a single laundry day w/o being asked why i occasionally wear thongs or how to "fold" them....are u kidding me? dont be queer!
- its impossible for the toilet lid to stay down....i even tryed super glueing it to the toilet...some how my message wasnt clear
- i dont enjoy being asked why i have more purses that i do fingers
- bathroom smells like perfume? ...deal with it
i'll not ramble on and on... but this gives u an idea!