Jun 29, 2004 17:47
changed my layout. idk how to do it lol i tried. o wells. tonight im going to see white chicks w/ tom trish kyle & bj. idk what girl bj is bringing tho. today so far i basically jus hung around my house. its so nice out. like perfect weather. im gonna eat dinner now then get trish & come back to my house. probally walk around. ill edit later. <3
edit its 1:01am. i just got home. my mom dropped me off at trishs house. we went to villa. ate yum. then met up w/ eddie & jovo. jovo skated on sum side street while me trish & eddie went to a park. didnt rlly do much there. mom picked me & trish up. we got tom at his house. bj & jarrett were there but they didnt come. then went to the commons. kyle met up w/ us like 5 minutes after we got there. we got the tickets but the movie wasnt playint ill like 40 minutes later, so we decided to go to barnes & noble. tom got a drink & we saw mike workin there. then we listened to music. realized movie was gonna start in like 8 minutes so we went back to the thater but we jus snuck in threw a side door while ppl were comin out so we didnt even hafta pay for our ticket. basically we wasted money. o well. the movie was soo funny. it was pretty good. after kyles mom got him. & trish hadda get home so we stopped at wendys for a drink & then drove her home, then tom.
editedit its 2:30am. i just relized alot about my life. i realized im loosing alot of good friends becuz of a certain sumone. i realized how fast ppl judge me. how my family is a complete mess & i seriously think my family needs consuling. some fights happened today in the house. i realized how im not myself lately. ppl think ive changed. i know i have. but i cant figure out why. its a bad change tho. im not likin it. i wanna be my old self, the one everyone wanted to know & not say " she was the one that ----------------- " yea whatever. im gonna try to figure more things out. ♥ derek rozbo & eddie * thanks for the talks tonight. i figured out alot. ♥
editediteditits 11:27am. people IMd me last night w/ things to say above the other edit above.
K ii N kie x O: aww christina its me kathy , dont wry about what others say about you, they are just jelouse of you and those assholes should just go ahead and choke on their shit.. family problems are always around . never area able to get away from those =\ .. and the person thats makin u look ur good friends, dont wry about it, if those friends say they are ur true ones then they would stick with u no matter what.. take care and im here if u need to talk to .. much love ; mwah mwah <33
i lovee you 11o5: if you ever need someone to talk to even tho we don't realli talk anymore.. i'm still hurr.. i swear no crosses count...
xobaibigurlox: hey i know we havent been talking alot or doing anything lately and things have been different but .... i realized you have alot of your mind and your life has been in a mess lately so i didnt wanna add more to it , but know if u still need anyone to talk to im here cause i care about u... i mean u went through alot of different kinds of friends but we always stuck together .... but u really dont act the same lately , idk our friendship to me doesnt seem like anything to u like it used to ... it used to be always "us" and now its hardly ever that way but ya kno things are constently changing and im here if u ever wanna call or talk
thanks ♥ it rlly means alot to me <3