1. Name/age/location:Keagan!/16!/Detroit soon Seattle.
2. A few interesting facts about you:Im a big surrealist, therefore I am a total art snob... I fucking hate kids that say that they know "art" but really, they have absolutely no idea.... Im an apprentice Dj, I've only had 2 1/2 gigs so farrrrrrrrrrr. I spin Jungle and Sometimes Hardstyle. I am a fucking CSS handbook. Im moving to Seattle soon, then Spokane... Live there? Lets hang out!! My mother grounds me too much, like nowzz....
View my bloggggggggggggg.3. A few bands you listen to:Technical Itch, Limewax, High Contrast, Q Project.... Pretty much the entrie hospital records catalog. The Pixies, Sonic Youuuuuth, The Pale Sanits, My Bloody Valentine. Lots of shoegaze!!!!1111!
4. The strangest thing you can think of to masturbate with:My left Hand. lolololololololk;oljk;lk;l.
5. A picture of someone you think is ugly:
6. Choose your favorite MOD and say something nice about him/her: Is a junglist.
7. (You must provide their usernames; Do NOT pick the current king or queen!):
Best looking male member:
presetsBest looking female member:
8. Put the banner (or just a link) in your info & link us:
naw.9. 5+ CLEAR pictures of you:
The "no-shirt-middle finger-fuck yall" thing is a inside joke, I ain't nah meatheadddddddd!
Best friends!!!!11111111111
10. A 188x250 COLOR picture for the member page (if you can't resize, we'll do it for you):
Give me a day.