Whee, I are good student!

Mar 28, 2008 23:23

...In other words, I FINALLY got my Terminology project (the one on larp terminology) back, and I got an 8 (known in other grading systems as '80 %') on it, so I'm quite pleased with myself. Though I will have to have some words with that teacher, if he notes that I left the 'term' prop unexplained (uhm, no, that's actually just a pretty common English word...).

Anyways, if anyone wants to see the thing (I know some of you guys were interested), just leave a comment - if it's only one or two of you, I'll email it, otherwise I'll see about putting it online somewhere. Warning, though; it is understandable to people that haven't taken a course in terminology, but it does take some figuring out the system, if you're not used to it.
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