Nov 20, 2005 21:12
Well, last night was lots of fun, didn't get to sleep til 6 this morning, came home at 4 just in time to see my dad get ready to go out hunting. i was out for like 6 hours on saturday hunting but passed up on the only deer i saw all day. But yeah, after hunting at like 5 i went to dave's place for his 18th birthday party with leigh, cat, tris,farkas, jim, and kyle and didn't leave til 4, we burned things and blew things up, twas much fun. Also, we launched each other into the air via big tree and oh, butane can, click, oh fuck, boom. hahahaha. good times. Then we around the world tekken fought and leigh tired his fingers out through button mashage. So today i cleaned mostly then hauled ass down to the theatre to see a movie with dave and tris and their counterparts, jarhead, which left early. From there, me and dave stopped at videopix and bought our first legal porn and then we went to a gas station and bought our first legal lotterey tickets. So i had to get the hustler magazine to go with my hustler belt buckle haha. Soon after that we had to part ways and i listened to alot of the album transmission by the tea party, one of the greatest albums fucking ever. The one dark spot on the night was that i was out with two couples and was lonely, especially with my retrospective thinking on the way home while looking at a beautiful orange moon hanging enormous and low in the sky. oh and it is fucking hard to burn live wood, it is even fucking harder to chop up live wood with a little hatchet, no matter how sharp and dave looks like a monkey when he climbs trees. Donut got to shoot 54 different guns friday and he says he is inviting me and leigh next time he does it. SWEET!! Anyways, i am gonna go feel somber and yay for first legally bought porn ever!