Nov 03, 2010 16:40
I am dissapointed that the Republicans Swept the house in such large numbers. I feel that anyone making less than $500,000 a year or so that votes Republican is voting against their own interests. There are some that vote on 'moral' issues. My mom will basically vote for whomever promises to outlaw abortions, despite the fact that Roe v. Wade is settled Law for 50 years. There is plenty of wedge issues against the gays. Honestly as a fiscal conservitave, I had to distance myself from the Republicans long before I came to the conclusion that they haven't been Fiscally Conservative in my lifetime. I couldn't stand in the same room with the amout of mysogyny, racism, religious intolerance and homophobia that the Republican Party attracts.
I think that the people who switched from Obama and the Democrats back to the Republicans had too little patience with the time it takes to fix an economy as big as ours. If Obama can't fix the mess in 2 years, fuck him and go back to the people who MADE THE MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I am glad that the Tea Party Movement for the most part was repudiated. Rand Paul was handily elected but a Ham Sandwich could take Kentucky if an (R) was after its name. Mark Rubio was the one clear Tea Party victory. The Tea Party managed to cause huge losses and rifts in Deleware, Nevada and OMG Alaska. Hopefully people will take a step back from the crazy O'Donnells Angles, and Palins. There were a few House Members that were Tea Party people. But again, Ham Sandiwch wins in those highly gerrimandered districts. It will be interesting to see if there are huge fights in the house between old guard republicans and new tea party republicans.
Ultimately I will just pray that things work out. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this congress will come together and make everything spiffy.