(Journal was deleted for a day because I am currently pissed as fuck towards someone, and needed a day away. Journal was reactivated because I needed to find a hack for TS2. Speaking of which...)
My main Sim neighborhood was about to explode into a hilarious ball of glitches. (I think the one that finally made me decide to start fresh involved my favorite Sim and a college dormie.) Since I had to start fresh, I decided to give myself a little bit more of a challenge.
I found the
Apocalypse Challenge and fell in love.
Whenever I used to play the Sims, I got really bored. And since I never actually got farther than the second generation on my families, it was really kind of bad. But with this challenge, the game is harder because of the restrictions, there are a lot more goals to shoot for, there's a story buried in my game somewhere (for my sims, I switched it from "toilets caused the end of the world" to "let's see how long two men can survive in the wild oh-snap they can get pregnant what"), and I'm forced to play with things I don't normally play with. Like career rewards. (The Biotech Station [Medical reward] plus a Sim with no Mechanical points equals a lot of lulzing, especially if they are getting lessons.)
It also means that for the first time, I can't take care of my Sims the way I used to. For example, they all wander around complaining that they smell because I can't buy them a shower.
Also, there's been:
three sims with the flu (can't hire exterminator without Business/Science unlocked)
one sim with a cold
one sim in aspirational failure (so far)
one sim who is now a plant sim
And probably a few other things I completely forgot about. But these are all things that I've never had before while playing the game because it was just too easy before, during my two-nearly-three years of playing.
I'm having fun though playing again. So far, I only unlocked Education, and am close to unlocking Medical. Still can't get showers though.
I'll probably post a few pictures once I actually sort through the pictures that I do have. Besides, no one here would know who my Sims actually are if I say their names.