(no subject)

May 21, 2010 09:21

Gross. i haven't been IN FANDOM (is that even the right word anymore?) in forever but the idea of weareinhell has me all

Not the slash part, because i have moved beyond that to live sex projections in dark public auditoriums where nerds gather to get all hot and sweaty over actors portraying Sawyer and Jack having angry hate sex and then leave hurriedly to take care of themselves in a quiet, weeping shame, refusing eye contact and becoming disgusted if anyone tries to speak to them and break the assumed veil of deep secrecy they all have with each other. But, those three are interesting in a "Ha ha we made you a fan of hard fantasy I bet you always made fun of those people and never said Lost was a fantasy "like that" because you are way above being into such a childish and easy genre" kind of way. It takes me back, is what I am saying. The fantasy aspect. Not the gay fanfic.

what did i ever do with this journal ughhhhhhhh
a) medical maladies/TMI
b) feigning indie/music cred
c) irony
d) self indulgence
e) high school drama

Oh okay, thanks, that explains it well.

Speaking of hardcore fantasy, I watched The Fellowship of the Ring the other week and was like "This movie isn't actually that good." Have you noticed how cheesy it is? I mean, when I was All About It we still made fun of the super cheesy parts, so. "A WIZARD IS NEVER LATE... FRODO BAGGINS." *SPORFLE/GIGGLE* But now Pippin's retardation sort of bothers me. Like, does anyone actually worry, like what, he may qualify as being mentally handicapped? Maybe he should get some government assistance or something? And Elijah fucking WOOD was cast in this movie, what the fuck? I'm glad you're with me, Sam. Do you like my accent? What about the o-faces i make when I want to put the ring on? Please look at my hideous face and let it be burnt into your consciousness forever and ever. But oh gosh!! DWARVES VS. ELVES. EYE ROLLZ GALORE. But I bet they become besties anyway!! ADVERSITY: OVERCOME.

Also, Peter Jackson? Did he keep up that "awful-version slow-mo for dramatic parts" thing he had going on every three minutes in this movie? I don't remember being that embarrassed during the other two movies. Yes it is an epic with awesome scenery and the story is crazy and action packed but what the fuck is with that technique. I don't need to hear Frodo's painful groans and watch his face twist and contort in super choppy slow-mo. Also: Galadriel. Who exactly thought that was a good idea? Because they need to be put down before they can cause any more harm (this would have been a relevant request in 2001.)

So long story short I am still really lame and can't even be bothered to stay current with music or movies anymore. Here's more crap everyone knows.

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