(no subject)

Dec 02, 2009 09:23

added Barbarella to my netflix queue.
We made one because of the potential opportunities for sabotage. Fuck his shitty post 90's Jim Carrey comedy. I am adding FOOD INC because I know how to par-tay. He also left it open on his computer once and "Doug" added porn. Not even good porn! Netflix porn!

Sad discovery of the year: I've gotten new music from only about 5 new artists in the past 2 years. Every time I listen to my library on shuffle I feel like i'm 17. I couldn't figure out why, until i saw that the last major upload date was 2007 and the majority of my music is stuff I added when I was actually 17. TURNS OUT I'M OLDER THAN THAT.

My current playlist contains Paper Planes, Bad Romance, Heart it Races, Animal Collective (still) and some David Byrne. None of this is ironic at allllllllll. I am only embarrassed about the playlist's size.

ok imeem was destroyed by myspace so ignore this empty space where an embedded playlist used to be

i've been using a mac book pro lately, and since everyone says i look miserable all the time when all I'm doing is keeping my face in a neutral state, i decided to take a picture of myself without changing anything about my expression or appearance.

who would have guessed

that my face was so depressing

ahhhhh refresher pic

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