Happy Christmas! This is mostly a quick "I'm-not-dead (look-shiny-fic)" post, and to, uh, say that I should not have posted a fic meme right before starting school and having to scramble to buy textbooks and, you know, start school, because lol time. .____. Planning to chug out those craptacular semi-coherent flashfics tomorrow/Friday.
Some lovely person wrote me
this, in which still-a-time-agent Jack chats up Dorian Gray and whisks him away to wine and dine him in the past. Delightful. :D
Yuletide things I have read so far that I enjoyed!
Follow Your Arrow (Bletchley Circle)
Had to be you (Some Like It Hot)
Alec (Maurice)
A+ for Smooching (Young Avengers)
Showing Skye (Agents of SHIELD)
There Will Be an End (Agents of SHIELD)
Five Times When Fitz and Simmons Struggled to Communicate (And Once When it was Easy) (Agents of SHIELD)
If I Didn't Know Better (Elementary)
Yuletide things I have marked to read later because they look intriguing!
Fast and Loose (Broadchurch) -- Hardy and Miller and the zombie apocalypse!
Noble and Most Ancient (Black Books) -- Harry Potter crossover! (The concept of this MAKES SO MUCH SENSE to me, holy crap.)
Someday Will the Briars Yield? (Maria-sama ga miteru) -- I have not seen Marimite fic in aaaaaaaaages, and I'm pretty sure 10k+ fic is still a rarity here, so eeeeeeeeeee :D
More links forthcoming (to this post if tonight, a new post if tomorrow) as I read more things. Any gems among what you have read today?