[OOC] More Fun with LJ Icon Mixups!

Sep 09, 2008 22:39

Because, when catching up on a couple months of missed CFUD posts (and skimming through stuff via the Network), one occasionally runs into HILARITY, and I like screencapping. Warning for sizeable images. (Prior icon mixup caps can be found here, and I may update this post and that gallery if I find more entertaining ones. Also, you may notice a theme in my image names.)

PS: contributions are welcome! Also I can make this a CFO or CFUD Quotes post if people want, I'm just worried about being spammy or something. o/






(from Mikage)


(from Ryuuken)


(from Ginshu)


(from Tohru)


(from Raphael)


(from levade)


(from Gohan, NSFW)

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