-I once filled it out somewhere using Prince of Tennis characters, and now I'll do Hetalia characters. Anyone is free to fill this out.
-I just tried to stick with the main characters: World 8, G8, and fanmade Hetalia games. I wrote each character's name on a paper, put them in a cup, and drew each one out randomly. Then I listed the characters in the order they were drawn.
-Answers are based whether I like the pairing or not. I prefer ones that make sense.
-I know this survey is actually not for me, but when I saw it, I had answers to some of the questions, so I decided to do it. I apologize in advance if I offend anyone with my answers.
WARNING: This survey contains so-called adult (nasty and improper) content. It is not suitable for minors or anyone who would be badly influenced or encouraged by it.
First, write down the names of 12 characters. Then read and answer the questions. Don't look at the questions until you write down the 12 characters you're going to use.
1. Russia
2. North Italy
3. Germany
4. South Italy
5. Canada
6. China
7. Prussia
8. Spain
9. France
10. Japan
11. England
12. America
1) Have you ever read a Six (China)/ Eleven (England) fic? Do you want to?
No way! Maybe I would if it were a friendship fic, but I haven't come across friendship ones yet.
2) Do you think Four (South Italy) is hot? How hot?
Yes, but I'm not sure how hot because I don't care about the exterior.
3) What would happen if Twelve (America) got Eight (Spain) pregnant?
How can guys get pregnant? I don't read male pregnancy fics, with some exceptions, and I definitely wouldn't write them. Besides, those two wouldn't be together in the first place.
4) Do you recall any good fics about Nine (France)?
There were some that made sense, and weren't nasty, improper, or OOC.
5) Would Two (North Italy) and Six (China) make a good couple?
6) Five (Canada)/ Nine (France) or Five (Canada)/ Ten (Japan)? Why?
I would certainly choose Canada/France, because that pairing makes sense.
7) What would happen if Seven (Prussia) walked in on Two (North Italy) and Twelve (America) having sex?
North Italy and America wouldn't be a couple in the first place! Besides, I don't think about nasty or improper things like that. North Italy would more likely be looking for Germany, and America would probably look for England.
8) Make a summary of at least twenty words for a Three (Germany)/ Ten (Japan) fic.
Germany is training the rest of the major Axis as usual. Afterwards, he tells Japan about his progress and they talk about war strategies.
9) Is there any such thing as One (Russia)/ Eight (Spain) fluff?
This pairing does not make sense. I might have read it in a friendship fic.
10) Suggest a title for a One (Russia)/ Five (Canada) Hurt/ Comfort fic.
The Geographically Biggest Countries
11) What kind of plot would you use for a Three (Germany)/ Eleven (England) fic?
The plot we had in history: England and the rest of the Allies attack Germany and the rest of the Axis, and the Allies win WWII.
12) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven (Prussia) het? What about Nine (France) slash?
I'm not sure if my friends read about Prussia with a girl, but I know some read gay pairings involving France .
13) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight (Spain), what song would you choose?
I usually don't write fiction, and I can't write songfics. For Spain, I guess I'll use his character song, La Pasión No Se Detiene.
14) If you wrote a Two (North Italy)/ Three (Germany)/ Six (China) fic, what would the warning be?
I don't read or write about nasty and improper behavior, such as romantic relationships involving more than two people. If I wrote a friendship fic, the warning might be: "There may be some OOC parts." I do like Germany/Italy, but not any of the other combinations, and the warning for a Germany/Italy fic will still be the same.
15) What would be a good pick-up line for Two (North Italy) to use on Ten (Japan)?
North Italy already says "Vee.." and doesn't really need pickup lines when he already has many ways to get attention. Besides, I don't really like this pairing.
16) Challenge: Write a drabble-fic for Ten (Japan)/ Eight (Spain).
I do not like this pairing, and would not write a romance fic about them. Actually, I don't really write fiction. However, for friendship, here is a stupid, poorly-written post-HetaOni fic.
As the house became more crowded, Japan began regretting the decision to hold the party at his home. While in that haunted mansion, he and his friends were only thinking of escaping and happy plans. They had obviously forgotten how crowded and noisy a house could become with 12 people, or countries.
A knock sounded, and he greeted, "Hi Spain."
"Hi, I'm here with the tomatoes," the European country replied.
Japan led the way into a kitchen corner. "Put them right there."
Spain did, and reminded, "Are we ready to sleep in a huddle tonight?"
The Asian nation turned red. He had actually not really paid much attention when Spain made the hasty suggestion in the mansion.
"Come on! It will be fun!"
"I need my personal space," Japan protested.
Fortunately, Germany had heard, and spoke up, "Those who want to sleep in a huddle can do it while those who don't want to don't have to."
17) Would you ever write a Nine (France)/ Seven (Prussia) fic?
18) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four (South Italy) to de-flower One (Russia)?
This is "Ew! Yuck! Sick! Gross!" I would only write about them hanging out and caring about each other. For romance, I do not like this pairing.
19) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven (Prussia) slash?
A few people
20) Does anyone on your friends list read Three (Germany) het?
I don't think any of them has mentioned about Germany being with a girl. Actually, I can't imagine an intimidating dictator like Germany having a girlfriend.
21) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven (England)?
22) Would anyone on your friends list write Two (North Italy)/ Four (South Italy)/ Five (Canada)?
I've seen fics for a combination of those pairings, but I can't remember who wrote them, especially since I don't read them.
23) What might Ten (Japan) scream at a moment of great passion?
The usual "Aaaaa…" Actually, he usually doesn't scream.
24) When was the last time you read a fic about Five (Canada)?
Not too long ago
25) What is Six (China)'s super-secret kink?
I don't recall China having secret "Ew! Yuck! Sick! Gross!" stuff. Besides, I already said that I don't think about nasty and improper things like that!
26) Would Eleven (England) shag Nine (France)? Drunk or sober?
Those two always fight, so if they get drunk, that might become part of their fight. However, I don't think about nasty and improper things, so I'm not sure.
27) If Three (Germany) and Seven (Prussia) get together, who tops?
I don't read or write incest.
28) "One (Russia) and Nine (France) are in a happy relationship until Nine (France) suddenly runs off with Four (South Italy). One (Russia), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven (England) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve (America), then follows the wise advice of Five (Canada) and finds true love with Two (North Italy)." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
I do not like any of those pairings, so I can't think of a story or title. People who like nonsense may read or write it.
29) How would you feel if Seven (Prussia)/ Eight (Spain) was canon?
Well, they are part of the Bad Friends Trio and both flirty, but I can't imagine these two together.
30) Does Ten (Japan) strike you as a voyeur or an exhibitionist?
Japan does look at nasty 2D content, but not 3D. He is also uncomfortable doing such things in public, so he wouldn't be an exhibitionist. As mentoined, I don't think about such nasty and improper things.
31) Who of the list would Eleven (England) most likely bottom to?
I like England paired with America, but I told you that I don't think about nasty and improper things!
32) Would you rather do Three (Germany) or Five (Canada)?
Ew! Yuck! Sick! Gross! I don't do nasty and improper things like that. However, if I had to choose who to hang out with or date, I would probably choose Canada. Germany will intimidate me.
33) Which of Four (South Italy) and One (Russia) would you rather have do you?
I already said that I don't think or participate in nasty and improper things. I wouldn't hang out with either of them either. South Italy is too rude, arrogant, and violent, and I can never tell what Russia is up to. It's too scary.
34) Twelve (America) and Two (North Italy) are having sex in an airplane. Construct a snippet of dialogue that happens during this encounter.
That would never happen. Those two wouldn't get together, and there is not enough space in an airplane for such things. Besides, I don't write or even think about nasty and improper scenes like that.
35) How much would you pay to see naked pictures of Eleven (England)? Have you? Where can the rest of us find these pictures?
I wouldn't look at them or other improper things even if you paid me, which means I wouldn't know where to find them. I wish they didn't exist.
36) Where are Five (Canada) and Nine (France) most likely to have sex?
Finally a pairing I like, but did it have to be nasty and improper? I don't think of such things.
37) When Twelve (America) masturbates, he/she thinks about...
I don't know because I don't think about such "Ew! Yuck! Sick! Gross!" things.
38) What is Eleven (England)'s favorite sex toy?
Ew! Yuck! Sick! Gross! Again, I don't know because I don't think about such nasty and improper things.
39) Come up with a title for a Twelve (America)/ Seven (Prussia)/One (Russia) threeway. Would you read it? Would you write it? What would some of the warnings be?
I already said that I don't read or write about threeway relationships and other nasty and improper behavior! Besides, America wouldn't even get together with Prussia or Russia.
40) Who's more likely to be tied up during (consensual) sex, Two (North Italy) or Six (Prussia)?
As I said, I don't think about sexual situations, but Italy would be more likely to get tied up in many situations.
41) If Eleven (England) and Three (Germany) are carrying on a torrid and forbidden love affair, who's most likely to spill the beans? What would the other person do to retaliate?
Those two wouldn't even be together to begin with. Both don't talk much, so I don't think they would spill the beans in many situations.
42) As a birthday present, Seven (Prussia)'s long time lover Five (Canada) offers to do whatever Seven (Prussia) wants in bed. What's Seven (Prussia)'s secret birthday wish?
Again, I wouldn't know because I don't think about nasty and improper things. Besides though this pairing is popular, it makes no sense to me.
43) Choose a food item for Four (South Italy) & Twelve (America) to use together.
I can't think of anyone using food for anything except eating, cooking, and crafts. What items they choose would depend on the meal and crafts, so there's no way I could choose. I guess South Italy would grow and pick tomatoes for America to put in his burgers.
44) Eight (Spain) and Four (South Italy) are in a fulltime D/S relationship. Who's the top?
I like this pairing, but as I said, I don't think about nasty and improper things. However, both are domineering in different ways
45) Which fetish is Nine (France) least likely to indulge?
Since France is sexually-obsessed, he probably has many fetishes, but I can't think of any because... you already know the rest of my answer.
46) What would you do if you had Eight (Spain) naked, willing, and ready in your bed? What would Five (Canada) do if he/she had Eight (Spain) naked, willing and able in his/her bed?
I told you again and again that I don't think or do nasty and improper things so I wouldn't have anyone in my bed, especially naked. If I find someone naked in my bed, I would be shocked, ashamed, grossed out, and angry. I would probably call the police and throw him out. Then I would immediately remove all my bedding, throw them in the washing machine, and start washing.
I don't think such a thing would be happening between the Spain and Canada because they wouldn't be together in the first place. If Canada did find Spain naked in his bed, he would probably also be shocked and ashamed, and ask what he was doing. I am very against nasty and improper things, so I can't think anymore.
47) Ten (Japan) gets a tattoo to declare his/her eternal love for Nine (France). Where is it? What does it say?
Japan doesn't seem to be the type to get tatoos. He also wouldn't love that flirt, France.
48) Imagine that Two (North Italy) writes erotic Eleven (England)/ Six (China) fic. What sort of summary might the fic he/she writes have?
First of all, England and China wouldn't be together. North Italy might be able to come up with something since he's a flirt, but you know what I don't think of so I don't know.
49) If Two (North Italy) walked into the room wearing nothing but a red thong and a feather boa, how would Eight (Spain) react?
Spain would get excited and started to flirt, but North Italy would be looking for Germany. I can't think any more, and you know why.
50) Who's Four (South Italy)'s secret admirer?
Probably Spain.
Again, sorry for my answers are stupid and attacking. I have high morals and values, and am not creative. I know this survey isn't suitable for me, but I had answers that I wanted to share for some of the questions. I also wanted to express my displeasure towards nasty and improper material. I apologize if I attacked anyone.