RPS: Car Seat

Feb 14, 2010 14:28

Title: Car Seat
Author: Speechless
Character/Pairing(s): Bradley & Colin
Rating: G
Warnings: RPS?
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I wish they were, but they belong to themselves, or maybe better, to each other.
Author's Note(s): for icze , my dear Chinese beta. Specially thanks to Ssrna, my English beta; love you.
Summary: Colin fell asleep on the way to London.

Brightness was taking over the sky, with the daylight leaking from the horizon. The sky was gray-blue, with a few clouds decorating it. It would turn into the day soon. Bradley stared through the window of the car as green fields passing outside. The dark road rolled over and over. He stayed for a while, reaching for the curtain with his hand above Colin.

Colin was sleeping in peace. Loads of work wore him out. He tended to have bad sleep with heavy stress. Even though he never complained, Bradley could tell from the dark circles near his eyes. As a vegetarian, Col was skinny. Sometimes he might have less than half of Bradley’s meal. Col was a nice boy, so he smiled everyday while Bradley could see that the cheekbones of Colin's were getting more and more standout.

The hoody covering the messy dark hair, Col mumbled, setting the arms across the chest with his head slowly moving toward Bradley and rested on his right shoulder. Bradley could not but let out a smile. Colin was skinny but not short. His legs bent with knees almost touching the back of the front seat as his butt nearly slipped out of the cushion. Such a tiny space for a man.

Bradley pulled up the coat for Colin with his left hand, trying not to wake him up.

There was magic about Colin Morgan, making everyone want to stay around and take care of him. For the first sight, Bradley hardly understood the north-Irish boy. He spoke with words crushing in his mouth, and Bradley had to be totally focused just to realize what he was saying. It made Bradley wonder what kind of person would the boy be. For him, Colin Morgan was a mystery hidden in the mist. The more he hid, the more Bradley wanted to get to know him.

Step by step, he finally realized what it was in this boy, who smile with eyes bending into two new moons. Col was not difficult to understand; it just took time.

Settling down, Bradley saw Carol, their makeup designer, smirking at him.

“Falling asleep?” pointing at the side of Bradley, Carol asked in a low volume.

“Yeah, it might need a prince to wake him up.” Bradley answered as low as Carol could hear, with an exaggerated mouth shape.

Carol raised one of his eyebrows, giving Bradley a strange look. A small giggle crept out next to Bradley, and it got louder and louder. B radley turned as Colin’s forehead against his shoulder. The dark-green hoody fell with his laughter, showing the messy curly dark hair.

“Do I have to throw up an apple, which is not digested completely[1], or do you have to get your ass burned before defeating the evil dragon?[2]” looking up, Col smiled with his eyes turning into curls. Sunlight snuck from the end of the curtains, shadowing the eyelashes. There were sparkles in the blue eyes.

Bradley smiled gently, “all you need is a prat[3].” He reached out, messing up Colin’s hair.


[1] refers to Snow White.
[2] refers to Sleeping Beauty of the Disney version. The prince has to defeat the evil(slash) dragon turned by the evil queen.
[3] there may be a lot of princes, but there is only one is a prat.



Colin睡得很安穩。幾天的工作讓他累壞了,壓力大的時候,他常常睡不好,即使他從未抱怨過,但Bradley可以輕易從他的日漸加深的黑眼圈中看 出。Col很瘦,因為吃素的關係,食物的選擇變少了,有時往往一餐下來食量不到Bradley的一半。但Col是個體貼的孩子,每天他的微笑依舊神采奕 奕,可Bradley看的出來,Colin的顴骨越來越明顯了。

拉起的連身帽蓋住顯然已經亂糟糟的黑髮,Colin咕噥了幾下,挪了挪盤在胸前的 手,身子往椅子裡更縮了縮,腦袋逐漸滑往Bradley這頭偏去,最後靠上他的右肩。Bradley掃了一眼,忍不住微笑。Colin雖瘦,但個子並不 小。他的腿彎起,膝蓋幾乎要抵到前坐的椅背,屁股都快滑出椅墊。睡在這麼狹小的空間裡,真是委屈他了。


Colin Morgan有種魔力,會讓人忍不住想親近他,想照顧他。第一次見到他,Bradley完全不能理解,這個來自北愛爾蘭的青年,嘴裡喃喃的究竟是什麼,他 的聲音不大,又幾乎把字含在嘴裡,Bradley得非常專注才能聽出個大概。這讓他好奇,這個北愛爾蘭男孩究竟是什麼樣的一個人。對他來說,Colin Morgan像是個謎,越藏在霧裡,越讓他想一探究竟。








[1] 指白雪公主。
[2] 指Disney版本的睡美人,王子在進城堡以前須打敗壞皇后變成的惡(腐)龍。
[3] 王子或許很多,但混蛋只有一個。(好吧,或許有兩個,呃,一個兩面)


bradley james, rps, colin morgan

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