While I think it's obvious the guy was influenced by popular media, what with all the poses with weapons having similiarities to various different games and movies, I also think it's just bad journalism for them to write a sensationalistic report about how it was the media's fault for creating a killer.. Which is infact what they're perpetuating by running these constant comparisons and blame campaigns, while airing more and more about him in the light that he was bullied in school. I understand the public's right to know just why he did it, but laying in personal opinions in reports is going to lead to more troubles. One thing I think they haven't even picked up on, was Cho's references to the Columbine kids as matyrs, and expressing his actions would be to honor them. Then we think back, and what do you know, the media slammed them as evil and insane and all this, blaming their actions on every slightly offensive game or music or movie, effectively saying they were just stupid insane kids who couldn't do anything on their own. I think that might have been saying to kids like Cho, "Hey, you, yeah, you're not your own person. No one will value your thoughts, because you're too heavily influenced by the media. Yeah, you have to be extreme, otherwise you're just a copycat of the media. You have no original thoughts, or feelings, or pains, and therefore you crying out in pain is just imitating others." Which of course, when someone is bullied and feels alone, and is mentally unstable, then taking away their dignity and self by calling others like them to be worthless at being unique, is just going to push someone over the edge.
Too many opinionated reports in mainstream media, not enough cold hard facts.
Too many opinionated reports in mainstream media, not enough cold hard facts.
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