how about you shove that candy right up your....

Jan 29, 2007 01:06

Has anyone else who has worked retail noticed that district managers are total pompous asses?

case and point, at my job I am not exactly a pee-on, but I'm below management, so in all honesty I should never have to talk to the district manager. Instead this guy comes rolling through the store tossing out his great "advice/wisdom" whenever he can. What really sucks is how on edge everybody gets when he is there. One of his crowning achievements is showing up unannounced on REALLY busy days like the day after Christmas, and taking pictures of all the store's "problem areas" which usually amount to 60 pictures of scuff marks on the floor. Once we get this tome of snapshots we are then supposed to fix it. One problem.......all scuff marks look the same, so why waste time taking pictures of generic floorspace that we can't differentiate between one-another.

He also has the wondrous wisdom that no matter what, if something is selling badly a simple restock of candy will fix that:

Nice one jackass! Seriously we have around 50 lava lamps at work that nobody will buy. Not because they aren't popular, but I think everybody in my town who wants a lava lamp already has one. His solution was to cross merchandise it with snickers bars. Like somebodies going to come in and say "Wow I would really like a Snickers bar, and ooooooh Lava Lamp!"

It wasn't so much his stupid idea that bugs be, its his self gratifying "I'm great!" attitude.


this was most evident in a conversation I was having with my boss last week. I was letting him know about the next big wave on Nintendo Wii and DS titles that were coming out, and he asked me why I thought the PS3 was doing badly. I then told him about the insane price tag on top of the bad sales of Blu-Ray disks, coupled with TONS of bad press. The District manager like some kind of unwanted ninja swooped in with:

"Just wait, Blu Ray will crush everything - its from Sony"

I just stared at him and replied

"Sony? Sony that brought us all the great flops like:

UMD Disks?
SD Cards?

and soon......Blu Ray?

I mean seriously has sony EVER had a proprietary format not fail horribly....."

The manager looked confused and replied with

"people want quality over price"

"No they don't" I said, "people want cheap stuff, seriously why would you buy '50 first dates' on Blu-Ray for 40 dollars when you can get it on HDVD for 25 or even DVD for 10?!"

"Also the PS3 and Blu-Ray are doing bad in Japan, that will hurt them a LOT"

he chimes in "who cares about japan in terms of Sony..."



I wish I could kick him in the balls
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