Dec 21, 2007 13:23
So most of the computer survived. The case itself is FUBARD, I lost my DVD drive and half my sound equipment. Surprisingly enough though, all 3 hard drives survived so at least I still have my data.
The car, or what is left is no longer my property it is not part of a police investigation due to the nature of the accident. The insurance company are being assholes and are just calling the entire thing all my fault so they don't have to pay for a damn thing, thus not paying off the loan for the car, which then means I can't pay it because I have no mode of transportation, so yeah for me I get to declare bankruptcy and watch the good credit I have been building for 10 years go straight down the toilet...
Yes I'm happy to be alive and only minor injuries, however this Christmas sucks. I really don't have much to be happy about. I haven't been without a car in over 10 years so I don't have any clue what the fuck I am going to do now, the job I was hoping for up north required me to have reliable transportation so now that is out of the question. And both the cops and insurance peeps tell me this is going to take at least a month to even get any kind of answer.
So for those of you out there in happy Christmas land, enjoy that happiness, because you don't know how fragile it is until it gets shattered. Happy Chrismahanikawanzika to all.