Jan 10, 2010 13:22
I was inspired to reach out in this way by the movie Julia & Julie. The movie was about woman who decided to cook all of the recipes in Julia Child cookbook in a year. She blogged about each meal and experience during that time. I do not expect to get a movie deal out of this or anything, but did understand how therapeutic honest blogging could be when others who understand you respond. I find the collective knowledge of the people to be more valuable than the codified science of scholars.
I hope that those who come across this blog and have information, advice, or even an appropriate joke will take the time to offer. Constructive criticism is welcomed. Please keep in mind profanity and lewdness are not my thing.
If I was to characterize myself I would label myself as straight-forward and fun-loving. I have a good temper when activated, but cannot seem to get vindictive, I have tried.
First issue-- Patience.
I am looking for practical and successful exercise that aid in patience.
Any offers?