I apologize for the uncouth subject line, but it's rather fitting with the book Quinn and I recently discovered called
Sextrology: The Astrology of Sex and the Sexes. It's basically astrological profiles written along sex and gendered lines, and if you're the right sign- or know yourself really well- it's damn entertaining, yet slightly disturbing.
Quinn posted his wildly exciting prediction for today in his LJ, and I just wanted to highlight the stark contrasts between ours by posting my own for the day.
Daily Extended Forecast for January 21, 2008Provided by Astrology.com
Daily Teen Forecast Are you hungry for a new adventure? Of course you are! There is so much in life to discover, and today is just as good as any other day to start exploring! Travel is a great idea right now -- especially travel to a foreign country. Get online and start planning your next trip. If you don't have the time or the finances for such an elaborate expedition, then just grab some friends and check out a restaurant that serves food from a country you'd like to visit. Feed your wanderlust with food.
Nice. So N-Quinn gets to start the most important relationship of his life today, and I get... English food. A lifetime of happiness, or a plate of bangers and mash. Yeah, that's a fair trade!
Before I go get on Travelocity, I'll post my love horoscope for my Sun sign.
Daily Love for January 21, 2008Provided by Astrology.com
Weekly Love Daily Flirt:
You may find that you're in a different space than your friends or housemates, thanks to some freaky energy that is passing through all of you. Let it go unless it lasts longer than a few days.
Daily Couples:
Your family is one of the most important things in your life, but it's not always easy to integrate your love life and your relatives. Take it slow and don't expect everything to happen at once.
Daily Singles:
The couch and the TV have served you well, but it's time to pry yourself off the furniture and get out of the house. Clear your head with a walk around the block. You never know: That cute neighbor might be outside watering the plants.
I don't know why I even posted that, since according to my birth chart I'm not a Sagittarius at all when it comes to love. I just like the idea of me walking outside and just asking the terrifying man who wears a chef's hat and lives across the street if he'd like to have some fish and chips tonight.
Yeah, today's gonna be great.