Hey guys,
We rarely do Public Service Announcements on
Spinner's Cast (though we should), but hear me out this once. I promise not to get preachy or become a buzzkill. :)
What's the message of the Harry Potter books? Good v. Evil? Well, you may think there's no way for you to fight evil on your own- but I'm just reminding you of a way to do so.
Nearly everyone knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer: either having lost a family member, or watched a friend or coworker struggle with the disease. Love the women in your life? Love yourself? Show it.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So wear pink sometime this week, read up on breast cancer, and mention to your mum, sister, or grandma that getting checked may be a good idea. It's quick, it's painless, and it's an easy and proactive way to do something to help someone RIGHT NOW.
We here at SPC promote HP Alliance and their mission to help the citizens of Darfur pretty often, but this is a serious issue right here at home, and you can do something to help- without spending a dime.
Make and Wear Your Own Pink Ribbon Join the Breast Cancer Awareness Month Group on Facebook Donate to the American Cancer Society There, you did something good for someone else today. Harry Potter would be proud. ...well, at least we think he would. Luna would approve for sure. ;)
Thanks a lot guys!