Sep 26, 2011 12:22
- Sun, 13:27: @ neolithic02 You missed the most awesome thing.
- Sun, 13:39: @ neolithic02 Static is sleeping between 2 ball foxes.
- Sun, 13:40: This couch is like a ferret amusement park.
- Sun, 23:44: @ neolithic02 Glad to hear it. Static fell asleep across my entire right arm.
- Sun, 23:55: @ neolithic02 Now he's biting Rose in the armpit, and pretending he can't hear her when she screams.
- Sun, 23:56: RT @ OmgItsRaymond: #ThingsPeopleDoThatGetMeMad text me hours later after i texted you...(RT IF YOU AGREE)
- Sun, 23:56: RT @ LadyJazz_: #thingspeopledothatgetmemad interrupt me while I'm speaking. No, no, wait your turn. Your turn will come...After mine.
- Sun, 23:56: RT @ MouseThoughts: #thingspeopledothatgetmemad i call them they dont answer but they text 15 seconds after i called
- Sun, 23:56: RT @ GenuwineVoice22: y can't you put another roll of tissue in the bathroom if u used the last of it...mannn...the #thingspeopledothatge ...
- Mon, 00:20: Not with my bananas you don't...