Hi All,
Its been a very very long time since I last posted but I have not really had anything to post up to share with any one more than them what where there when it happened. But the new year is on the horizon and seeing the "End of Year Meeeemeee" a lot of people I have been doing it seemed like a good time to post. I would appreciate that in the spirit of me trying to venture out of the online cave I have been hiding in for most of this year, if any one feels the need to reply they keep it constructive and/or friendly.
End of the Year Meeeeeeme
*Did you do something you would never do?:
*Did you keep any New Year's Resolutions?:
Never really make any.
*Did anyone close to you give birth?:
Not that i know of.
*Did anyone close to you die?:
My Uncle Bruce who was a great guy that a feel very guilty for not knowing better when I had the chance.
*Did you visit any countries?:
America (Oklahoma) it was ace I’m going back next year.
*What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?:
Its been a very full year, so nothing really bar more time.
*Will any date from 2007 stay etched in your memory forever?:
I don’t really do dates, but I suppose the day that Mog came up to Glasgow to tell me that part of my life was ending.
*What was your biggest achievement of 2007?:
Not completely fucking lousing it.
*What was your biggest failure?:
Briefly lousing my love for paintball.
*Did you suffer illness or injury?:
Plenty of pain but nothing that I would call an injury.
*What was the best thing you bought in '07?:
Ether my ticket to Oklahoma or my new TV/PS3/AMP setup
*Did your behaviour change over the year?:
Yes, I am far more honest to the people I care about. That’s not to say I was lying before it just means I am speaking my heart more.
*Where did you spend most of your money?:
Oklahoma and TV/PS3/AMP
*Are you happier than this time last year?:
Yes but it was a hell of a trip to get here.
*What song will remind you of 2007?:
Rolling stones, Black Sabbath, Stooges no one song.
*What do you wish you would have done more of?:
*What do you wish you would have done less of?:
Hurting, Stressing, Worrying
*What did/will you do for Christmas '07?:
Home with parents, family in general.
*Did you fall in love in 2007?:
Its complicated
*Did you get your heart broken in 2007?:
*Favourite TV program of '07?:
Heroes, or maybe Battlestar
*Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?:
O yes and if I ever meet him again a will hurt him very very badly, I’m not a violent person but I am really not kidding around on this one.
*What was the best book you read and/or movie you saw?:
Book: World War Z.
Film: Not sure maybe Blade runner final cut.
*What was your greatest discovery?:
I’m am not unattractive.
*What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?:
I did very little on my birthday, bought my flat mates curry and Emm the wonderful girl that she is baked me a fantastic chocolate cake. I was 28...... I think.
*What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?:
Cutting through the bull shit and selfishness.
*How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2007?:
In need of an update.
*What was your greatest disappointment in 2007
Discovering how quickly people can loss sight of what is reasonable, and decide to hate.
*Who was the best new person you met?:
Any of the lads on the America trip, corny I know but there is a definite bond there the d-day curse probably helps mind you.
*Who did you wish you did not meet?:
Not sure there is anyone.
*Who was your best friend?:
Rosie, Richard, Mike, Mervin, Alan, Gopher, Elle and lots more have all done more than there bit to help keep me sane and help me move on, thank you all.
*Who was your enemy?:
No enemy, I don’t let people touch me on the level any more. That’s said there is certainly some people I hate lol.
*Who do you miss?:
The Dogs some times.
*Who will you never forget?:
The Team principally Dougs, Alan, and Ross for some how knowing how badly I need the help when I needed it, and helping out more than they will every know.
*Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007:
People can be dicks but that it their problem not yours & its rarely about you it nearly always about them (unless you are a afro mentioned dick at the time )
*What will you always remember about 2007?:
Shit can always be turned around give time, and understanding.
*Any resolutions?
Not to let ‘that’ happen again
*Anything you want to change about yourself for 2008?:
I have got up to the weight I always wanted to be, now all I have to do is get fitter for Oklahoma 2008.
*Do you want to make more friends in 2008?:
What sort of a question is that, of course I do who doesn’t!
Lookie behind the cut if you so desire.