Fics: A Discussion Post

Apr 11, 2012 23:59

So, hi there.  I'm Kitty (theshadowswhisper). Hey.

Anyway, I thought we should have a big ole discussion about how AWESOME THE FICS POSTED ARE!

No seriously. I was so impressed. With all of them, really, the quality is just amazing.  Can we get a big hand for the mods for putting this all together?  Because I think they deserve it. I mean, just LOOK at this stories! They are complete (which is so. I can't even tell you.  It's such a relief to be able to read something both good, edited, and FINISHED within the fandom).  They are well written, all of them special and fantastic--and I am completely thrilled I got to be part of this. It turned out so great! The mods did this so well.  Hunting us down, making us keep our deadlines, creating our OWN AWESOME SITE OMG.

It's pretty sweet, if you asked me. All of it--I'm overwhelmed by the all awesomeness. Have you SEEN these fics? Amazing doesn't cover it. I'm so looking forward to the next batch. This. Is. So. Cool!

Now, in honor of the first release of the fics, I wanted to post a bit of an open forum for discussion. Which stories would you recommend? Any particular piece of art you think people should go drool over? I think we should all talk about the pieces that struck us the most and straight pimp 'em out.  Because hell, it's fun to congratulate each other, and I would love to DISCUSS some of these stories with you guys!

I'll start the discussion with my recommendation:

You should all go read Self-Inflicted Bruises by Zombielimeade.  Seriously.  It's beyond words.  It is written in Kenny's point of view, and it's completely excellent.  Kenny is so very real.  He might be the most...visceral, unbendingly human, realistic Kenny I have ever seen.  The author uses colloquial speak, moving through very on-point, in character musing as Kenny goes through life...and increases the emotional undertones until the whole piece becomes something very near poetry.  It's a heart wrenching, gut wrenching, soul wrenching story. I was exhausted when I finished reading it, simply because it so thoroughly wrung my heartstrings.

It's just so real. It's vivid, full of spellbinding details and symbolism that will break your heart.

Most of all, it's because it's super real. This desperate kid living in the's relentlessly painful to watch Kenny suffer. ESPECIALLY in his moments of joy, of hope.  That's what kills me.  How much you want Kenny to find a way out.  How much you're cheering for him as the story goes along.  And the whole story is a descent.  It gets worse and worse, until the reader feels raw and punished as the main character himself.

And the ending...get some tissues (no spoilerz).  It's brilliant.  Zombie uses every element in the exact right way, in the perfect manner to spear you right where it hurts. The train of events is pitch frikkin perfect.  I loved every moment, every character, and every scene.

It's that evocative. I'm seriously.

So GO READ IT! Give the author the love she deserves (you'll have to, when you read it), and then let's TALK!!

What's your favorite story so far? Let's chat it up and get some love goin' for all the authors and their hard work community style!
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