Today is our optional check-in deadline!
This is a chance for you to let us know how things are going. It’s more a personal marker than anything. At this time, we’re accepting feedback, updates on your progress, beta issues - whatever you feel would be helpful. No obligation - use the deadline as you feel is warranted. Our only request is that you consider how your story is progressing. With 2.5 months left, think about:
- Finalizing your idea
- Outlining the story so that you know what’s left to write
- Your word count
- Finding a beta
- Pacing
- Using
spbigbangtalk to discuss how it’s going
To check in, e-mail us at
If everything’s going well and you’re content to keep going at this time, no worries! We’ll see you on March 1, 2013 for our mandatory check in.
Thanks guys!