Nov 07, 2005 19:13
Howdy peeps.
How's life? Just splendid here. This weekend was interesting. Friday night me, Ant, Tom, Matt, and Julia were supposed to go see Macbeth, but Julia came a little late at the meeting place and well, we were too late. And the Ticket people there were like Ticket Nazis and were like, "We aren't letting you in after 5 minutes of the play." and blah so we just hung out. Then we lost Matt and Ant was telling us all these scary stories to what could have happened to him and we started taking the whole situation way to seriously thinking we were in a horror movie. But we found him after like a half hour to an hour and we were like RAWR. Then he left us for some reason and we were still trying to figure out what we should do. Then Ant said he was hungry so we went to Friendly's and GUESS WHO WE RAN INTO.. Matt with his family. Lmao, we were like, "You left us to go eat dinner with the fam?" and yeah. We had icecream. <33 And that's about all.. Then Saturday during the day I watched movies on the Tele, and at night we (being Tom, Matt, Ant, and myself) went and saw the play Godspell (or w/e) and met up found Amy, Randy, and Gordon.. Then we all went to Denny's. Woopee. And Sunday my mom's boyfriend came over and put in a new closet door (which has a mirror.. it's hawt!) in my room, and my mom made us breakfast (blueberry muffins which are sooo good!) and eggs, bacon, and other good foods.. And then he took us to the Arts Festival thing here and we walked around for a good two hours, went out to lunch, then came back for them to watch the NASCAR race. So yeah, good weekend. And today was kinda blah. You know, Monday + school. Blahhh. Mary, Allie A, Raia, and me today painted some props for the play coming up.. Wow, it's next week! HOLY COW! I just realized how flippin close it really is. And we have like barely anything done. Wow. Lol.. K. Gonna go now. <3 yous guys.
./'It's just past eight and I'm feeling young and reckless. The ribbon on my wrist says do not open before Christmas../'