[03] visual novel spammage~!

Feb 15, 2010 10:36

 Late Singles' Awareness Day Post... with KISSING ICONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This post is primarily from various visual novels, so... enjoy ^^ gah I love all the pretty pretty art

D.Gray-man x5
Durarara!! x4
Edelweiss VN x4
Phantom VN x15
Misc: Shuffle! VN x1, Persona 3 x1





 Phantom VN  015016017





 (hnnng sorry for the janked-up formatting right here, guys -_-)Misc.029030 

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

1. Comments are <3
2. Icons can be used as bases if you credit me for originals
3. If used in any way, please credit either here or cjblackwing

shuffle, durarara!!, d.gray-man, phantom, edelweiss, persona, icons

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