*Steps to the mike* *cough* Umm, is this thing on?....

Jun 20, 2005 21:23

Wow, life has been so friggin' BUSY lately! But once again, I have to leave confirmations of myse;f being alive. Ugh, I know that's so sad. Lol. It's just that with graduation, getting into med school by some weird...strange...cosmic happening, and moving, and somehow screwing myself over with the entire male race, it all took alot of time getting accustomed to. But now I hope to have some spare time, to actually make contact with people. Especially when some of them remember my shitty birthday and I don't even know it, heh. (Thanks Bethy!) Anyhoo, I'll just leave a list of the crap that's been happening to me and hopefully some of it will be amusing to you folks.

-Graduated from the University of Texas by some act of god. Trust me, if you had read my last term paper, you might have wanted to question the validity of my diploma. Sucked so much ass.

-Moving back to Houston,which is near Galveston, where the water is questionable, the men are lonely, and the sheep are scared. Which means I have to say goodbye to party town Austin which rocked so hard for me. *sigh* It's so sad, knowing how many drunken trysts I've had here. I'm glad I've managed to leave my mark on this city, in some way, shape, or form. Whether that form be vomit, or my footprint on my last boyfriend's ass. Wow, that was fun. Let's everyone give a big up yours to Timmy McCall. And may he rot in his own, egostitical filth. May many sonnets and songs be written about this boy and his astounding ignorance and idiocy. And hopefully let someone key his Jag. Yes, that would be nice.

-Got into med school. Surprised the fuck out of everyone. Including myself. One of my dear best friends actually asked me if I had given sexual favors for the grade. The sad thing is, that almost sounds like something I would have done, a long time ago. Needless to say, I'm happy with myself and the fact that no matter how much of a failure some people thought I would turn into, I somehow managed to give them a proverbial ass wiggling in the face. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the true key to happiness.

-Went to New York City for the first time in my life. City proceeded to filthy, crowded, and filled with oversexed men with staring problems. Needless to say, I had a great time! Stayed in this really nice La Quinta in Flushing, Queens. I even met my first hooker! That was SWEET. I also met this Italian dude (what is with these Italians?...) named Mikel, who proceeded to almost romance the pants off of me. Very cute. Have his number and have yet to call him since my return to Houston. Let's just say that whatever happens in New York, STAYS the hell in New York. Unless what happened happens to be herpes or something fucked up like that. Oh well. I officially love New York. And everyone should go see Altar Boys on Broadway. So funny!

-Recently turned 22. I'm old. By my standards anyway. A part of me actually wants to start acting like an adult...And the vast majority of me wants to go to Drink Houston and make out with something that has a penis. Oh well. The birthday night in itself was interesting and suprisingly tame. Went out to a comedy club where the comedian proceeded to jokingly hit on me because it was birthday. Had drinks with friends. Slept with no one. A nice change from 21, where I managed to not know where I woke up the next morning. Not a good feeling. And sometimes being the drunk whore out of your friends is not an accomplishment. Apparently, it's actually frowned upon. Who would have thunk it?

-Lost 20 pounds, gained 10, at as of yesterday lost 5. Weight Watchers actually does work, especially when you decidedly put down the twinkies and irish creams when you should. I recommend it to all!

And Finally, I like to give a shout out to anyone who actually took the time to read this monstronsity of longwindedness. You obviously have too much time on your hands and for that I thank you. Peace out, bitches!
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