MID-TERMS EST OVER!!!!!!!!! "OH THANK YOU, THANK YOU SUPREME BEING!!!"~Game Slayer 2 (Invader Zim) Anywho, I'm all hyped up on frappuccino and bronchial steroids...stupid asthma, stupid half mile home, SUCKS TO MY ASMAR!!....as you may be able to tell. hmmmm... let's see.....last time I shocked you all with that video clip, now...what can I shock you with today.....There really isn't anything more shocking than that! Well, maybe there is, after all, you kinda are anticipating them to do that throughout RotS so maybe it's not that shocking....alright, now I'm just babbling, darn this caffiene! Ah well...CAITIE!!! GUESS WHAT'S IN....6 DAYS?!?!?!!! and for everyone else....GUESS WHAT'S IN 10 DAYS?! my birthday ^_^!! well, I've written enough today....time to find SOMETHING to shock y'all with. I guess the "y'all" kinda works... If you're ever sick, watch the food network in the morning. It's really funny! There's this one lady, Paula somethingorother, and she has a really think southern accent. Anywho's, at the end of the show, she always says "from, mY kitchen, to urs!" It's so funny! ^_^ Okay, I'm done...oh wait.... I almost forgot:
To shock you:
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b266/_isilwen/Ewan/accessoires5.jpg To make Julia happy:
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a7/cirrocumulus/CowboyTractorOTP.jpg REALLY almost forgot (actually I did, I'm just editing now): ta darlings!!