Jan 24, 2006 16:43
ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHith!! Does ANYONE know how to make Ewan smaller??!!!! I's not working! *waaahh* ah well.... OMG. I'm writing TWICE?! in ONE DAY??!!! It's the begining of the end!!1 RUN! RUN for your lIVES!!! WAY too much coffee today....and brownies and ice cream don't exactly help either.... MY BIRHDAY'S IN 13 DAYS!!!!!!! wooot! I really hope someone gives me a balloon on my birthday *coughcough* I like balloons.......^_^ I'm having a Disney-fest today....even though I've only watched 2 movies, I intend on watching more so :P Once I figure out how to put all the stuff from my video camera onto my compy I'm gunna show everyone that tape I took of me and Julia on her last day in New York *sniff* So someone remind me about that. But yeah.... I really want a balloon...or 5...for my birthday... Well, ta darlings!