Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2005 22:57

So, first and formost, merry christmas to everyone. And Happy Chanuka, and Kwanza and other winter holidays. Hooray.

We opened presents tonight, and unfortunately I don't have nearly as many good stories as last year, there were not stuffed birds this year. I did however, get a few funny things:

1. A pair of earings that are very similar to those "woman in hell" ones that my parents got me before, but I think these are just a little bit more sacreligious/offensive, and I LOVE it! Instead of having a picture of a woman in hell, these ones have what appears to be the virgin Mary, they're pretty cool and I feel will spark even more conversations then the other ones.

And that's about it for funny gifts, although my brother did get me a Rachel Ray book that is very similar to the one I got my mom, which we thought was funny, but really wasn't. And my mom bought me the newest issue of Cosmo that I had just purchased earlier today...which brings me to my next point.

I'm thinking about dying my hair again, I'm sort of bored. Any suggestions? I bought some red, but I already did that, and I think it's a little on the bright/unnatural side and I'm not sure if that's what I'm going for this time....although it might also be fun. I don't know, I might go back to CVS again tomorrow and look at more colors....I also might just not dye my hair at all.....I'm really bored.
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