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... No matter how many times I try to write a cheesy story to go along with this, it just doesn't work. I need to face the facts, I'm not a writer. At all. Sorry about that.
Video relevant:
Plot-wise, it's rather dull. It's all (semi) canon until 0:50 and then well. I kill Rory. Because I can.
... And because I didn't feel like using all four minutes of this song.
I screwed up the coloring on this so bad. Most of the clips at the end are meant to be really dulled down, color-wise, but I went "IMMA COLOR THIS BLUE OMG 8D" and then well. The colors were less dulled down. And more blue.
I'm skilled, Y/Y?
... I may have made my signature a touch too big. Shhh.
Me/Additive Dissolve/Cross Blur=OT3.
Non-video relevant:
I didn't intend on making any more Eleven/Rory videos, just because I tend to go crazy with the pairing, but I recently found
ponchoboys and fell in love with them. I felt the need to contribute something, since they made me squee so very much.
I ran out of things to say.
Video information:
Song: Every You, Every Me
Artist: Placebo
Fandom: Doctor Who (s5)
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/Rory Williams
Program: Sony Vegas Pro 9.0