Spazzu's room -PICTURE HEAVY-

Jul 28, 2010 02:44

...I totally forgot to do this when I took the photos.

But I sort of just put up a ton of posters on my wall so I have one more photo to take. :O BUT SOME OF YOU MIGHT KNOW I MOVED INTO A NEW HOUSE. And my new room is sort of awesome. This house is being rented, so its got a ton of stupid skateboarding crap up, but...ehhh.

ANYWAYS we will start with the new photo.

...Yep. Pardon the poor quality. All the posters are wrasslin' ones ,save for the sandwich shop propaganda. XD

...My PS2 is a ninja and is hiding on top of that DVD player thing.

In case you were wondering, yes that is a giant wooden chicken. And a tea pot.

Awesome lamp, I know.

Temporary place for this flag until I get it hung up on the wall.

The name of the teddy bear is Picasso and I've had him since I was two. The bunny is Fritz and was a gift from my lovely Aisu~

Consider Love, given to me by Aisu, When You are engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris, autographed, an eraser and RANDOM RANDY ORTON who is now on the wall(and as I am typing this, Heinrich the moth just landed on his crotch and freaked out. LOL)

And now the contents of my bookshelf. My giant World War II book needs to be put up, as do three more video game cases.

(That little black book is the Kama Sutra, and the book to the bottom right is German Military Uniforms.)

Kooza from Cirque du Soleil and Chess In Concert are hard to see. But my DVDs are all at my mom's still.

Not pictured are Final Fantasy 7, 9 and Silent Hill 1, along with Clock Tower 3, Kingdom Hearts 1 and FMA: The Curse of the Crimson Elixer

Messy corner over there is messy. SSSH.

But yeah, overall, I like my new room. :D
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