Feb 05, 2009 19:50
So life's been pretty normal normal... today I found out why one of my security cameras that faces my office wasn't working--the technician goes, "uhh, it's not working because it's ... not there..." Beautiful! Someone jacked my camera! The hilarious part is that when we go back on the recorder you can see this white dude drive in on Tuesday morning at about 3:50am, park, manages to get on the roof of one of the buildings, and shakes the sucker off. But being the special guy he is, he forgot to take his tools out first, therefore while he tries to get those out, he's looking straight into the camera! :) What a tweaker... he did the job in 5 min flat and even wore a head light on his head! lol. I'm just crossing my fingers that he doesn't come back on the same roof for the other camera that's mounted there... that sucker is $3000 and this one was a measly $200 in comparison! Then of course the burning equipment wasn't quite working out, so go figure. That's my afternoon!
In other news, I'm sensing some drama brewing and am planning to stay away from all that with a 10 ft. pole. Friends + Weddings + other crap = drama. I'm kind of glad that I'm way over here on the far side of the country! :)
On a similar note, Mike and I were discussing last night who caused who to become more cold hearted, lol. We're both pretty cut and dry people when it comes to common issues--like preparation and planning and looking into the future and not making rash decisions that end up causing horrible consequences. The people that complain later on are the ones that irritate me the most. In any case, for example, I will not feel sorry for this woman who allowed her 5th grader to determine where they would live--and he opted for the place with a swimming pool--that will now prevent her from saving an extra $550/mon if she'd taken Public Housing. God forbid that her son doesn't have a swimming pool for the 3 months he can even use it! *sarcasm* You see my point... things like that. Or the people that actually could have job offers but are too picky to actually take a job in this economy yet continue to live off their parents... etc, etc. Or even better, the people that put off major surgeries because it's never a good time (I can't disagree!), but put it off for so long that there's the potential of losing jobs, benefits, etc. HELLO!?!?!?
Apparenly, Mike's mom has observed this more and more in him and thinks *I'm* rubbing off on him, lol. This must be because I'm "heartless" when it comes to giving things away to Goodwill, like old soccer trophies or my wedding dress (I think she nearly had a heart attack when she heard that one, lol). I told Mike that I think I've become more cynical and judgemental because of HIM! He disagrees and says that since he met me he's gotten worse... lol. Well you see it's a cycle. We haven't figured out which came first, the chicken or the egg, but the premise amuses me nonetheless. I'm opinionated... I can't help it! I don't think I could even put a quarter of my opinions in public because I might be stoned to death or something, lol. At least Mike understands me, agrees, and we commiserate together, muwahaha.