Classes were suspended last Monday. And there will also be three days of no classes this month. Yay.
I get passing grades aside from one or two, but they're low. No way. >_<
I hope I'd get a good grade for my TLE project - short pants. Whut.
We had an hands-on exam on computer, which quite surprised our class. I'm so happy I got to know my grade after I finished it! XD I want the same for other exams, too. u.u
Exams next week! I have to do really well on these, or else it would be the death of my grades and I.
Meg and I went to Ayrra's school today. Wearing my gala. LULZ. Both of us went to my house to get Ayrra's sketchpad and to change my clothes - I got to wear the comfortable ones that I decided to pair - I've been wanting to wear it with rubber shoes for running. XD Too bad I barely ran. u.u Meg left early, I continued talking with Ayrra, I met her friend Tamlyn, we talked, I managed to get a peek inside when I went to the comfort room, I went beyond the not-to-be-crossed-by-strangers gate and sat at the stairs close to it. I will be getting myself a cuuute bunny drawing drawn and colored by Tam-chi - she's good in coloring, too~ ♥
Another thing. Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! is taking over my soul mind. And Gokudera/Tsuna (I WANT MORE DOUJIIIIINS!). And Basil/Tsuna under the influence of a certain fanfiction.
I downloaded the game Altor, even if I don't understand Chinese. It's pretty. *_* ... Translationsplz?D:
Oohh, Crunchyroll changed the player thingy... Whaa, Mediafire, too. Cool! *shot*