(no subject)

Feb 04, 2006 10:00

hello ladies and gentlemen.
so battle of the bands ROCKED!! ah it was so much fun. i felt bad for the band that everybody laughed at and people jumped on stage and danced during...but they were pretty bad. a band called without a flag won...theyre all from hispanic decent. mason thought of a new name though. hahaha. they were good but, a)they sang in spanish so we couldnt really understand them. b)both their songs were really similar. c)i felt as though barbie should be walking across the stage. BUT they sang about God so they gets lots of points for that. i thought the turbines or blue moon were going to win...oh well! theres always next year.

well i feel like crap. ive got a loverly cough and runny nose. and my back and head hurt. oh well! life goes on! tonight is going to be mucho fun. im going to nandas after dance. partay!!!

well im going to go get stuff ready for the day.

later dudes!
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