Aug 27, 2007 14:08
So Europe was generally amazing, but I am coming to realize that most of the stories I could tell to explain the awesomeness involve not only a lot of explaining, they reveal our drama and my alcoholism. I really cant tell my grandma for example what I did most of the cities we went to. I can be like, well we walked around Venice for a long time and tried to get to the grave yard, and that was it... while in reality we did that, and then got really drunk, met the reason people in the states think California girls are idiots and the reason people abroad think American's are idiots. Then we tried to find the club, found it- decided it was not worth paying for then went to the train station to get a cab had this random guy come up to us and ask if we need a cab. the three of us (all hot 20 year old girls who are a bit drunk after several rum and cokes) are like yeah. so we get in his car and I realize that it is NOT a cab, it takes my companions a bit longer to realize this, but they do eventually figure it out. So we are in some car in Italy not sure if this guy is going to take us to our sketch camping place or some place to rape and ravage us. fortunately he did take us home, but I think he grossly over charged us.
... yeah shouldnt really tell Grandma that one...
I have to go to work in 20 minutes for the first time since March... I have not really even been around kids for the last 5 months, let alone so many or being in charge of them not killing themselves .... plus I kind of have a head ache... and have to be at work at 9:15 tomorrow morning to coach 18 month to 5 year olds...
wish me luck