(no subject)

May 15, 2004 01:18

what a fucking hectic night. so much stuff went on not like parties but like things that needed to be done. with various people. im happy with the outcome

except one russian is not too happy with me right now. OMG carly i love you. You're hot. we had fun. PEOPLE AR EFUCKING RETARTED. boys are stupid.

"It's over bitch""You crossed the line""You're dead"

first off no. i crossed no line. you dont understand the meaning of no. SECOND OFF WHAT THE FUCK IS OVER> WHAT IS OVER. you answer that for me

kk bfffff hahahahaha

i met an lj friend at a friends house it was random as all hell hahaha.

"Hi i'm paria"
"Hi i'm danielle"

haha that was cuteee you're so pretty!!

edit: someone fuckin broke my juicy jacket but RYAN FOUND THE J!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHH its sad tho my baby needs some surgery.
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