April Showers and May Weddings....

Jan 04, 2005 23:09

So I found out a little more about my ex-girlfriend's engagement today. Justin proposed to Jordan on Christmas Day, (which means she could have told me any time since then rather than letting me hear through the announcements at church) and they're planning the wedding for sometime in May. Don't know the date, don't particularly care about the date since it's not likely that I will want to go, and even if I did (which I absolutely don't) I highly doubt that I'll be invited.

I'm doing a little better dealing with this whole mess. Life will move on from this, and I'm sure someday I'll look back on this whole thing and laugh. Actually, I can laugh now. Of course its kind of a crazy "when the fuck did my life turn into a goddamn soap opera" laugh, but hey it's laughter.

And for the record Jordan, if you read this anymore, I don't hate you. It's your life, you can do what you please with it. I don't hate you, you've just managed to lose any and all of the respect I used to have towards you. You decided to let me, and my parents who gave you a home and supported your decisions for 2 years, find out that you and Justin were engaged from a church announcement rather than from you. You've chosen to not communicate at all with me at all, even though all I did was support you as a friend after you left.

I'll always treasure what we shared, and I honestly hope by marrying Justin you'll find what you're searching for in life.


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