I guess I should probably update this thing for real

May 05, 2006 20:51

But I don't really feel like it since I'm pleasantly buzzed and therefore have the attention span of a newt.

Things have been rough and frustrating this week, but in the end I can look back and say that I proved to myself that I can do my job, and that maybe I do have a future that I can actually suceed at. Managin a department is HARD, I was especially lucky to have my first management expierience be with people that already know and RESPECT me quite a bit. I have a meeting coming up soon with my supervisors soon to discuss everything that happenned, and I'm nervous about that because ALOT of things went wrong this week. Could I have handled them differently? Of course- no situation has only one conclusion. But overall, I stand behind the choices I made. No matter what though, I proved to myself that I have more abilities to work under pressure and deal with disasterous situations than I initially thought I did coming into taking over last week.

I am glad to be back to my normal responsibilities now. I know I'll make a good supervisor someday, but for now, I'm kinda just happy being in a department where we're all equals and the only person's responsibilities I have to seriously watch and worry about are my own.

Hmmmm... teh whiskey looks mighty tasty right now, time to indulge a little more in celebration of Cinco De Mayo!


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