Still computerless :-(

Apr 09, 2006 16:19

Still computerless- and even though I can log-in to my email at work, I don't have much time to sit down and email people when I do. As for my Dad's computer at home, I'm able to do this (update LJ) only because you can "log-in" just to update, and of course, the only fuckin site that I can consistantly stay logged onto is MySpace, which is useless.

I'm grumpy about this.

In other news- I'm now up to 4 total unnatural holes in my body. Got my lobes pierced with Sar yesterday, and I actually like how they look. It also hurts WAY less than the two holes I have in my cartiledge, so it's not effecting my sleeping like I thought they would.

Anyways- it's April, and therefore work has suddenly gone completely insane. It's a good thing- it just means that I don't do much other than work. I'm resoundly sick of a couple of my coworkers- and there's been a LOT of bullshit going on between people there recently.

In general tho, I'm pretty happy with life right now so it's OK.

Miss everyone who I haven't been able to talk to recently- ya'll know my phone numbers, so feel free to give me a buzz if you want to chat. And if you don't know my phone numbers... well... I can't check it often but there's always email!
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