Feb 12, 2005 00:29

Pucker, Pam, Pot... three things that I'm pretty sure I'll encounter this weekend. Well, hopefully encounter. Actually, pot is kinda a "eh, if i do yay, if i don't thats ok" type thing. I promised Sarah that I wouldn't smoke but we were talking about ciggarettes at the time, so I don't know if pot is counted under that or not. Eh, either way I can't wait for tomarrow!!!

Pippen is freaking awesome. I mean, I was really looking for something to do this weekend, because I'm fuckin sick of Bow and I'm really dreading Monday (Valentine's day). Then out of the blue this morning Pam IM's me saying "I'm going to be home for the weekend" which freaking rocks, and made me all happy to begin with. Then a few hours later, she IM's me again asking if instead of hanging in Bow, if I'd mind driving her back to Green Mountain to party. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Pam just rocks. I mean, now I don't just get to see Pam, I get to escape Bow for Saturday night and I get to drink and just be a college student. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret transfering to UNHM at all, and living with my parents isn't all that bad (no rent, good edible food, bathroom that doesn't have barfing floormates in it) but it certainly kills all party type things.

So yeah, I could kiss Pam (cuz I'm so damn happy), but that would be a little weird and all so I won't.

Actually, I had a pretty good rest of the day too. Went to work (blah) but ended up spending quite a bit of time when I was there with Kel (YAY) who also rocks. I miss Jill working there, but working with Kel is so much fun that it almost makes up for it. After work I went down to NHIA for a workshop on clay containers and how to make lids, which was really interesting. Jeff, my instructor for my Wheelwork class (throwing clay on a wheel for all you non-ceramic people) was one of the lecturers. Actually the best (and funniest) part of the evening was someone I ran into while I was there... Ms. Freiji! She was one of my highschool art teachers, actually she was the only one I ever had officially as a teacher, and she was really awesome back then. She's still really awesome, and it was definitly cool to see her and talk to her out of the whole school setting.

After that the evening got a little weird. Mom and I went out to dinner, and actually talked. I don't mean about meaningless stuff, we talked about Jordan and I and other things that have happenned in my life. She also made me promise to not do anything stupid this weekend with Pam, and then decided that she needed to elaborate (like I didn't get it) so she looked me in the eye and said that she wanted me to promise that I wouldn't drive. Whoever says parents aren't observant are total morons... though she should know me well enough to know that I would never do that.

And how did today end? Just like it should to be a good day-- talking on the phone with Sarah. I've added another fun thing to my weekend, swinging by Lebanon on my way back from GMC to see her. I can only hope that this Saturday night works out WAY better than last Saturday night did.

Holy shit... this is a long LJ entry. But it's gotta last through the weekend, so I guess that it's ok then!


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