Nov 05, 2004 07:58
It's been so long since I've updated I don't know what to write about...that's never stopped me before. Continuing from last update. I hate my dad. Terri, I'm so sorry I left your party early, but since it was such a problem for dad having me there, I just didn't want to deal with it. I should have stayed for you though...I'm very sorry, I hope you're enjoying the dvds, and I miss you horribly :( I hope schools going okay for you. What do you want for Christmas? I might not be able to get you much, but I'll try! Shelly, I owe you a phone call, I wont forget that! I miss you girl and your Halloween outfit was awesome. Jessica, don't forget his lettuce! Pedro, I hope you're enjoying Survivor. Bug, I hope you dragged Terri to Homecoming! Zac, I think I owe you at least 8 emails! Life's been busy yet at a lot of moments have been really enjoyable. Holy crap...I have to go to work. Later Days you guys!