Mar 23, 2010 13:07
Had the opportunity to go burn blueberry fields in Maine for about a month. Looks like I'm just going to try to find something enjoyable here in the Lou. I've been playing soccer again and that is awesome. I didnt realize how much I missed it. Been riding my bike all over town. I feel like I am in the best shape of my life. If I could just stop smoking cigarettes, which I feel will be easier in the summer. Got to keep active. Keep going strong. Been painting and getting some more ideas together. I need canvases. Doing some smaller pieces for the Tap Room show. Easier to sell. Hopefully, I can sell some at the Clay Buffet next week. Spring is here for sure. I need to finish the garden beds in the backyard. Build the plant stand. Get some seeds into the seed trays. Looking for another job again. Something out of the restaurant industry would be fabulous. Staying away from ignorant stupid people in the town that bring me down and pour alcohol down my throat. Got keep my head clean and my chin up. This is going to be an amazing summer... I know it.