Catching Up

Apr 20, 2009 00:11

hello! i was really excited about updating you guys
and i have lots of pictures too, because everyone love pictures
RL (boring)
i'm super stress about school, because i have one more week left, including final ahh!
i'm going to be a writing tutor next fall (if i get a 3.0 this semester once again ahhhh!)
i played my last college soccer game today, but i'll be a manger next year yay!
and i'll still be in school next year
RL (exciting and with pictures)

i went on a skiing trip with my dad and saw the fray

he was singing "how to save a life" here
and in the airport i met chris lowell (tv show actor)

i didn't even know who he was so he walked past me and i smiled back politely and continued reading
until a fan came up and asked for an autograph
i think i got whip lash from turning my head so quickly ;;;;; (sorry bad joke)
then i his name and found out he was in veronica mars
a show i loved but only watched 2 seasons he was in the 3rd hahaah oops my bad
finally i saw the movie Coraline and entered the contest to win shoes inspired by the movie

i won!!! and it came with a cool postcard
and the bottoms glow in the dark

and me wearing the shoe ( i got sunburnt playing soccer, so my face is more red than normal)
oh and it's official i'm going to japan!!!!!!!!!!! then plan ticket is bought whoooo! may 4-19!!!!
my mom thinks i should wear the shoes around japan
oh and my grandparents are friends with someone who lives in osaka too, it sounds like he wants to show me around whoots!! i'm soo excited!

speaking of japan
wow ok first ryo got in a car crash?! what the heck? but kind of funny with what the fans have made in response
and jun from arashi looks really really tan

is it for his new drama smile?
double win for quiz show having sho and yoko! ^^
finally PUZZLE!
ok i haven't heard much yet because i wanted to wait until i got to japan and buy it
but so many of you guys have talked about it i had to listen to a few songs
my reaction
i really like kicyu, and the pv is awesome, and the song is so damn catchy >3<
but when yasu would turn he would look really angry

and i love the two different settings

the roads was my favorite, it was so cool looks, and of course the cracky lips

i liked maru and hina's pv you can see too
normally they are crazy funny but it was really cool to see them cool hahahha ;;;
it east meets west idea was interesting, but i'm not sure how i feel about the song yet, i think i like it

glorious is weird to hear them singing in english
i don't know about this song either
but i love tacchon long dreamy locks

ryo's hair kind of looks like a mushroom but that's ok because he's still hot

and he's talking to uchi XDDD sorry sorry i couldn't resist
and i couldn't forget baru, because he's awesome

the only solos i have listened to are maru and yoko's
are i like them a lot
yay!!! well done k8!!! i'm very happy ^^
ok super long update over and out *whew*
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