Apr 28, 2005 22:35
I can't stop thinking recently about how much things are gona change after the summer. how we're gona be in different areas of the country and although we can still talk, not seeing everyone everyday is really gona break my heart.
it will be like losing a piece of myself, and for a while i will be lost without u, trying to find my way without the people who know me best, who understand that sometimes i just need to swear lots and kick lockers, who have seen me cry, who have seen me cry with laughter, who have laughed with me, and of course at me.
You, who, no matter how much i have pushed you away, or even yelled at you when being at my lowest, still stayed with me. stayed with me through all of my stupid decisions, my disastrous relationships, my drunken stupours, those who have held my hair back when i have thrown up, those who have asked what was wrong even when i couldnt put it into words.
At the leavers concert i was truly moved during the girls singing in concordia, i don't often get to watch, im usually up there, sharing the songs with u, but watching it just struck me how beautiful u all were, like for a moment i could see right into your souls and u were so joyful and so enthusiastic and so proud. and i too was so proud, so proud that i got to be a part of your lives, that i have shared memories with you, the most special people in the world to me.
And even if you are sitting there thinking, well, she can't be talking about me, i beg to differ, even those i have not known long, i have not spoken to in a while, im shamefully too busy for sometimes, u have added something truly special and unique to my life and days at school, and for that i thank you more than i can even write.
I don't think some of you realise how hard some days have been before i got into the place we call parmiter's and walked into the common room looked around seeing u all and thought "todays isn't so bad, it's going to be fine now"
you are the reason i get up in the mornings, the reason i keep going and for this i try to repay you, i will always listen, i will always try to be there
Even though i have not always let you help me, i know u have always tried and always wanted to.
You are not like my family, you ARE my family, and never forget on your bad days, that in some way you have made my life more bearable.
Miles-too much i want to say, too few words. not only are u like my twin, you know me better than most, you have unending patience for me, thank u for always listening, i am sorry for those times i have been selfish but i am truly grateful for all you have done for me, u helped more than you know. so thank you for all the late nights, for the enormous amount of films u have introduced me to, i wish i could do for you half of what you have done for me.
Ben-it saddens me i have not known you longer, but every minute in the short time we have known each other has been a true pleasure. ur generosity and good nature never fails to astonish me, it is something which i feel is underrated and i thank you for being part of my life recently.
Robynne-you really are like a sister to me, even though we spend most of our time mocking each other i sometimes wish i could put into words how much u mean to me, i admire ur spirit so much, and wish i could be half as tolerant and understanding of other ppl as you are, thank you for everything.
Elliott-you are one of those people who is truly modest, relaxed and does not fight for the limelight as many of us do. i sometimes wish i could have been closer to you, as you are really such a geniunely lovely person. never lose any of ur uniqueness, it's what makes u so special, and thank you for letting me see that.
Coxy-there are so many things i could say to u, we have had many ups and downs, but in the end it has made us so strong. I can always rely on you to keep my feet on the ground, something i desperately need. when you are sad i feel it too, and i really do respect you for coming through everything, u r one of the best people i have ever known, and you are stronger than u will ever realise. Thank you for the memories, the shopping trips, and for just being you. i really hope you one day find everything you want and need and can be truly happy with who you are, a better person than i could ever be.
Cunnane-there is a star quality in you which you are so modest about, your gift of making people laugh and lifting people's spirits is something which i envy so much, and wish i was half as talented, intelligent and generous with your time as you are. i will always remember our trip to exeter and how unbelievably enjoyable it was, thank you so much for that. i hope you find the happiness you deserve.
Esme-you never fail to amaze me as you maintain integrity whilst always appearing cheerful and light at heart. never lose your sense of humour, your sense of fun or care about what other people think, because if you did this world would lose someone truly special. again i have not known u that well for too long, but the times we have spent together have always meant a lot to me and stick in my memory, thank you.
Jess-i admire you a lot although i have never told you that, it breaks my heart to see you sad and seeing you cry makes me want to cry too because someone as generous and genuinely as good as you should never have to feel pain in this world. i will never find another person like you, people who like hugs as much as you are few and fair between, and sometimes it frustrates me that u cant see yourself the way i see you, an amazing person who has come through a lot still able to smile and make others smile too, thank you for that.
Laura Harpin-i have not know you half as well as i would have liked, but what i have known of you is that you are an ultra talented yet modest person, who is seriously underrated. you seem to do everything with a wonderful enthusiasm i envy so much, and your smile really is infectious and can brighten up people's days. Thank you for the memories in form, even though i have not been much this year they still stick in my mind and a conversation with you can always bring a smile to my face, for that i thank you.
Nihi-i mean what i said in the poem. two years is not long enough to have know someone as great as you, you have a natural urge to want to help people, a truly admirable quality, and it still amazes me how much u value your friendships with people. people feel they can open up to you, something you should realise is such a blessing and for that i treasure you as a friend. as with a lot of people, i wish you could realise how good a person u are, and your sensitivity merely demonstrates that. thank you for always wanting to listen.
Mandy-german lessons and trips would not have been the same without your smiley, warm face. As with laura i have not known you as well as i would have liked, but what i have known has proved to me that you are a generous person with a great sense of humour. u really dont realise how beautiful you are to most of us, whereas you could use that to be a bitch you always treat people with respect and a humanity which never fails to amaze me. thank you for the endless good times in german.
Matt-i wish so much i had known you longer, had been able to share more memories with you. you have comforted me, looked after me and others and it really restores my faith in the male species to say you are a true gentleman. you are sometimes misunderstood which really breaks my heart because if they saw what i saw, they would open their eyes to a generous, complimentative young man who always wants to help and can't bear to see people in pain. for these qualities and the impact you have had on my life i thank you.
Scott-you are one of the best men i have ever known, i feel so protective over you and we have shared so much. you always try to look out for me and make sure i don't get hurt, even when i try to refuse your good advice. when i have been rude to you know i am sorry, and i am completely and utterly grateful for everything you have tried to do for me. you are a true hero in my eyes, love u, thank you for always being there for me.
Pippa-my memories of us take me all the way back to the elite where we all shared a closeness which could not even be truly spoken. you are so talented and always want to look after us all when we get out of hand, your mothering instinct is something which is really touching and i will always treasure the memories of. i look at you sometimes and wish i could know what goes on in your head, as i sometimes think you feel more pain than you let on, but usually present a happy exterior, for which i really admire you. thank you for all the good times and for looking after us all.
Dan-your unfailing good nature and willingness to please and try to make me happy always warms my heart. sometimes just to know you're nearby makes me feel that bit better. your humour and childlike sense of fun is something which i hope never leaves u, as it would be a travesty for the world to lose the dan i know now. i wish i could have know you longer, but the times we have had have been so enjoyable, thank you for that.
Pete-you really are such a lovely guy, everyone who knows you admires that in you. i do not know one single person who does not like you, which just shows how respected and well liked you are. i wish i could have known you better, your never complaining and constantly cherring exterior is something which i admire so much. never change, thank you for the chats in the turning circle and for being such a warm caring person.
Saz-you are such a modest and often quiet person, even though you hold so much talent and actually have one of the quickest wits of anyone i know. you manage to turn ordinary conversations into jokes which can make everyone around you laugh, an amazing quality. you are one of the people who have always been there, and i have not always shown my appreciation for, but i do have a lot of respect for you and your straight talking attitude and your never failing niceness to everyone you meet, thank you.
love you all more than i can say xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx