Oct 12, 2005 23:48
Ok, so I just need to get this out of my system once and for all, before I buckle down and get more work done.
Last night I drove SNAP til 10, and when I got home I discovered my computer to be off due to a blown fuse. I tried starting it up, but windows wouldn't load, so I figured I'd get someone over there tonight to look at it. Well, I get home from MQP, and then Roger Jack comes over to try to recover it. He can't get anything working, so we take my hard drive out and plug into his external drive and hook it up to my laptop to see if at the very least we can pull all of my data off it. NOTHING. It wouldn't even recognize it as a drive.
So then Roger left and I was talking to some girls in the house and they suggested taking it to the geek squad at best buy. Sure, whatever, I'll give it a shot. Did I mention I have most of a 10-14 page paper due tomorrow on my computer? I get there and explain the situation and the guy was like, yeah, I'm sorry, it costs like $89 just to look at it, and to tell you the truth I don't think it's going to be very different from what your friend saw.
I'm a girl. What do I do? I start bawling. Everything is on there from the past 5 years of my life, everything. I don't care really about my paper, I was just thinking about everything being gone. Then as I'm reaching for my dead hard drive sitting there on the counter, the guy was like, awww...well...yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt to just plug it in and see if we can find anything.
But oh well. Nothing. It was nice of him to at least offer. I felt bad, guys can't handle seeing tears. At least I've got a laptop huh? So now I'm over at Col's apartment using her internet here and trying to study and get my crap together. If anyone has any ideas on what I can do, I'd really appreciate it. I'm going to try bringing it to the CCC shop tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.