Finals Week...

May 12, 2006 09:49

Ok... three down and one to go! ^^ Feels good! I just took my Chemistry 1202 final at 7:30 this morning. It sucked. I think I may have made a C without whatever curve the chemistry department decides to bestow upon us. Son of a bitch. Whatever. All I need is a C to pass the class and because all of my other grades will *ahem* should be As and Bs with nothing lower than a B, I can totally put up with one C in my life.

My Calculus II final was at 7:30 in the morning on Tuesday. I know. Didn't I get stuck with some craptacular times? x_x I made a freaking 90 on it!!!! The closest test grade I made the whole semester in there was an 82! What is my deal?! I can't do the individual tests but when I have to do it all at once I become the freaking calculus god! Ha ha ha! ^^ Sorry if I sound a bit braggy... I'm just really pleased with myself on that one. Even with my stupendous final grade, I have made an 83 in the class. Ha ha! Whatever. I am really pleased with that.

So.... Muppet final was yesterday at 3:00 in the afternoon. Muppet = treehugging, screaming-liberal, political correctness, hippie geography teacher. >.< Her final was extremely easy and with the 12 bonus points I earned... HAHAHAHA! F U MUPPET! I should end up with an A in there. My last final is at 10:30 tomorrow morning and is Western Civ. If I make an A on that final I will make an A in the class, so I should probably get off of this thing and start studying. Heh. Damn jHop. You have fried my brain with your chemistry of the devil! After the history exam I am OUT OF HERE!!!! WOOOO! I'm soooo excited about the summer! I'm gonna get a job, (don't ask me what that will be just yet, lol) lay around the pool, watch movies, and see all of my buddies again! ^^ Finals are almost over... and it's time to PARTAY!!!
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