Feb 23, 2004 23:23
hmm... i havent made an entry in a while... so i spose i'll make a short one
well i miss my sissy, she left for DC today. its not like i see her that much during the week anyway, but just the fact that i can't see her frustrates me.
began a new trimester today... no i'm not pregnant you fools its the crazy ass public school system. well it makes me sad, cuz just as soon as i meet people and get comfortable, all my classes change and everyone i know gets put in different classes and i dont have lunch with anyone i know. actually it wasnt as bad this time as it was last... but still, i miss my old schedule. but i think i'll like the teachers i have now. some of them just seem so passionate about what they teach, and taht's what i'm used to. every teacher at tvs is passionate about what they teach, no one there hates their job, well... most days anyway. but at public school, they teach because they have to. coaches are required to teach, which i think is the dumbest idea i have ever heard of because then you get these half ass teachers who dont teach you anything, they just have you regurgitate informaiton straight from a book to a piece of paper and call it a quiz. oi it frustrates the hell out of me. and then there are so many kids here that just dont give a damn, they dont care if they fail... and i'm just like uuuh hello? failing means you have to do it again! what a waste... and cheating is so rampant, and i hate when people take my answers. its one thing if they ask for help and we discuss or whatever, but when i get up to get a tissue or something, and i come back and my sheet is being passed around...aarrrgg i just want to kick them!
i miss my trinity valley friends. been talking to them more lately. i really wish i had a license. i told michi if she ever gets bored she can call me and we can hang out, but i guess she hasnt been getting bored. i havent seen christa in forever and a year. i miss her... and everyone else, i just grr... i miss acting too. i'm assistant director for a huge play at school, but i still havent acted. i miss it. but hopefully i'll be able to for coffee shop at school, basically you can do whatever you want with whoever you want, but i need to find people to do stuff with.
prom... i wasnt going to go originally, but a bunch of my friends want me to go, and more of them are going than i thought so i'll know people and whatnot, but i face the whole issue of a date and a dress and a table... they've been suggesting people to ask, but i really dont know them. I wish i could go with brian, *sigh*. it's so far away too, people are freaking out about it already, i remember at tvs goiing out the week before prom and finding a dress and buying tickets the last day you could and all of us just going as a huge group. twas fun... i wanna do it again... someone from tvs invite me!!! I wanna be someone's date, i'll guarantee free sex for whoever takes me!! (okay not really but hey, i wanna go!)
alright well i think that qualifies as an actual post... perhaps i shall post more later and reveal the deeper feelings, but right now i'm too tired to think... and i miss brian cuz he's not online and he hasnt called... gr.
welp goodnight to you all and i love you
call me peoples!