Oct 23, 2004 21:34

Its been almost a whole month since ive last written here... and due to popular demand ::cough "chris":: im writing and commenting a bit again. Yah just been super busy with all this work and stuff and college stuff is here and yah kinda really scary. so yah

Well lets see...

Went to homecoming had an awesomely good time

Kati left Alemany... sigh... well im sure she's happy wehre she is now... really happy for her

O yes FINALLY bought ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, such a good movie on my top three list with Memento and Big Fish

Quitting journalism... ::tear:: but it must be done

Well as i said lots of work and yah that obviously equals stress plus im kinda worried bout the field show and hopefully we'll get it done... then again the last song is sorta easy... cept for trumpets.

Bleh im in a not happy mood right now, and im not liking it just dont know. I just really need to fly away and ill do it too. guess its the just the weather which ill admit isnt that bad but yah that grades and social life is ok. Something is just missing. I feel like life has to be much more than just this. I guess its just that feeling of lonliness when your surrounded by people. I gotta get away sometime soon. The only thing that seems to clear my mind and give me a feeling of peace now is the sound of my own music... sigh soo calming... even if it is bad sometimes

yah im ok dont know what to say since ive been missing so much. Well it all seems good i guess i cant really complain, nothing is wrong, nothing bad hmmm... umm yah right now im just bored dont have much to write anymore.

So goodnight to all

Mucho Love to everyone
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