Mar 02, 2005 22:45
well i'm thinking of saying goodbye to this here el-jay. lately it just hasn't been something fun, something i've wanted to update. it's been a chore. i've had to make myself update which really is pointless because who looks at my livejournal anyways? it also causes a lot of drama...or rather brings the drama to the public world. i might keep it just to update when i feel necessary, but no more of this everyday/every other day nonsense. don't think i don't love all of you who might read this because i soo do. but it will be better for me...i'm thinking. i'll think it over and make a decision but i know that if i don't say goodbye completely then i'm going to start a new one...just because i need a new start. and it won't be a journal of my daily life and times of sarah, it'll be...well...i don't really know. but yeah. so there you have it.