~*~Stars Hide Your Fire~*~

Feb 25, 2005 23:13

so...when is it not about me. this is guaranteed. i mean this journal is supposed to be about me, right? okay. so. what is going on in the life of the sandwich? much, i'm sure, but can she keep up with it all? no. the answer is no. however, for the sake of this blasted thing, i will try. a boy likes me. i think. but i like a different boy...s. well i'm not sure that "like" is the correct usage of the word here. it is more like "infatuated." more like "have a crush on"...."giddy about"...and such. but when have i not had a crush on this boy...s? it has always been there, will always be there. but hu-why? i do not know. it is the strange ways of the world and i do not appreciate it. it does not help my life one bit. especially when they are mean...i think..."sarah you are just dumb. just plain dumb." and then they pop around and i'm like hehehehehe. god it's sickening. ew. NEW TOPIC AT ONCE! i had easter pageant practice tonight a la iglesia. i am an angel again like last year. fun fun. i get to look pretty in my white shimmery dress thing. yay. then i went to laura herald's house to work on our sunday school lesson for youth-teachin-sunday-school on sunday. that was a lot of "sundays." wow. okay. hmm...i am hungry/thirsty. so i will eat. and drink. and be merry? not seeing the light at that end of the tunnel. ::sigh::

weeell in good news(?) it seems when i am pissed off at my family i get work done. last night my mom yelled at me for no reason and i yelled back and we have not spoken since....and my brother was being a fag....so the whole world was against me. grrrreat. so i locked myself in my room and cleaned up all the clothes (i'm telling you my entire wardrobe was on the floor...for real) and painted another wall (THE GREEN ONE!!).

so revision to my previous statement: i am going to eat, drink, and finish the green wall. at 11:30 at night. because that is when i work. at night. don't ask questions.


I wish I was lonely
Instead of just only
Crystal and see-through
And not enough to you

Cause you don't see me
And you don't need me
And you don't love me
The way I wish you would
The way I wish you could....

((dedicated to that boy...s))
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